Some people cannot be appointed High Sheriff to ensure the essential requirement that it remains a non-political role:
- Peers of Parliament and Members of the House of Commons Welsh Assembly.
- Full-time members of the Judiciary.
- Special Commissioners.
- Officers of Customs and Excise or Inland Revenue.
- Officers of the Post Office.
- Officers of the Navy, Army or Royal Air Force on full pay.
Following the ‘pricking’ of the High Sheriff in the Privy Council by the Sovereign, a Warrant of Appointment is sent by the Clerk of the Privy Council in the following terms:
‘WHEREAS HIS MAJESTY was this day pleased, by and with the advice of HIS PRIVY COUNCIL, to nominate you for, and appoint you to be HIGH SHERIFF of the COUNTY OF SHROPSHIRE during HIS MAJESTY’S PLEASURE: These are therefore to require you to take the Custody and Charge of the said COUNTY, and duly to perform the duties of HIGH SHERIFF thereof during HIS MAJESTY’S PLEASURE, whereof you are duly to answer according to law.’
Once ‘pricked’, you must take office within one month.
“If you are a member of the judiciary or emergency services, either as a blue light or a volunteer and would like me to visit, please do let me know.”
– Brian Welti JP