Brian Welti JP was declared the new High Sheriff of Shropshire for 2024-25 on Friday 5 April, at the Shrewsbury Crown Court, Shropshire.
Brian’s focus for his Shrieval Year is to support RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution). As Brian explains “I want to do all I can to help The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution. Shropshire is a very rural and agricultural county and because of my own interest in farming, I want to emphasise the work they do and raise awareness of the issues faced by the farming and rural communities which are often hidden or misunderstood”.
Brian is also supporting Shropshire Community Foundation, Crimebeat and the Firefighters Charity, due to his links with the emergency services.
The traditional role of High Sheriffs is to support those working on our behalf to uphold the King’s Peace including the judiciary, (the Crown, Magistrates and Coroners Courts,) the Police, Prison and Probationary Services and the Emergency Services.
I fully understand and appreciate those who work in these organisations, both the blue light and voluntary organisations such as the St Johns Ambulance, the Red Cross, West Mercia Search and Rescue and the Street Pastors, and I want to raise their profile and recognise and thank as many people as possible in these sectors for all they do on behalf of each of us.
Being appointed to a role with over 1000 years of history behind it is rather daunting, but also gives such an opportunity to shine a spotlight on those who make a difference, and those who are the unsung heroes.
As is customary, I will be seeking nominations for the High Sheriff Awards, so if you know of an individual, a voluntary or community group, or a business that is going the extra mile and who deserves the recognition, please do nominate them.
This county and society would not operate without the voluntary sector. The amount of time people give voluntarily is nothing short of incredible and I want it to be part of my mission to find them, recognise and thank them.